nuMber 2 Special Guest Artist Spot from Margaret Leahy

I computer-colored the ink. it was gray. A difficult Japanese brush pen I picked up because of Kate Beaton's studio blog. I made it darker and red. but that's all I did. this was again from the "drink and draw," after the Coast City Comic Con. This girl, half my age (not exactly) took a look at three KB's I had printed for the purpose, and sat and drew this in 6 minutes. She insists she is untrained, or "doesn't draw." I am super proud of collecting this drawing. I think it is probably better than most of my stuff. And it makes me happy.


lets hope for more M.L. Drawings!


Kate beaton's studio blog check this out. And Know that she has a stuffed Karate Bear somewhere among her fantastic drawings. (or she threw it out after the show, fuck it, she was super nice and gracious.)

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